Requires both the butt & all shafts
Replace Butt Plate Without Logo
Replace Butt Plate, Engraved Logo
Replace Bumper
Counter Bore Cue for Different Bumper
Engrave Butt Plate
Multiple lines assumes there is room on the butt plate
$40.00 One Line
$45.00 Two Lines
$50.00 Three Lines
Replace or Repair Butt Sleeve
$125.00 & up
Rebuild Broken Forearm
$125.00 & up
Replace Broken or Warped Handle
Does not include any finish work that might be necessary
$275.00 & up
Adjust Weight
If possible
Cut Wrap Path on Wrapless Cue
Add Break/Jump Joint
$135.00 & up
Requires both the butt & all shafts
Finish on First 6” of Shaft
Refinish Butt with One Shaft
Refinish Butt & Wrap with Linen
Refinish Butt, Wrap with Linen & Apply Finish over Wrap
Refinish Butt with Embossed Leather Wrap
Refinish Butt with Solid Stack Leather Wrap
Refinish Butt with Stack Penetration Wrap
Refinish Butt with Mixed Stack Wrap
Each Additional Shaft
Irish Linen Wrap
Embossed Leather Wrap